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Welcome to

Oakwood City School District

At Oakwood City School District, excellence in education is our tradition.

We foster a nurturing and challenging environment to prepare students for success. Our dedicated staff, supportive community, and engaged students create a vibrant educational experience.

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Our Commitment to Excellence

At Oakwood City School District, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional educational experience. 

Our statistics speak volumes about the quality and effectiveness of our programs. Here are some key highlights that showcase our commitment to academic excellence and student success:


Average students per k-12 class


Advanced Placement courses offered


Average ACT Score


of District finances are spent in the classroom

Lorem Ipsum
Master Facilities Plan Phase 2

At the Board of Education meeting last evening, the Board approved a resolution to place a 4.74 mill bond issue on the May 2025 ballot. This issue would provide Oakwood Schools $40 million in revenue to continue to uphold our aging facilities and execute Phase 2 of the Master Facilities Plan.

This approval comes after months of planning and preparation by district administrators to ensure Oakwood put forward a comprehensive plan that provides our students and staff with safe, secure, and welcoming learning environments while preserving our aging facilities for future generations.

An approved $40 million bond issue will allow Oakwood Schools to:

  • Address the comprehensive Master Facilities Plan scope of work within the current timeline
  • Complete major renovations at Smith and Harman, similar to the work done at OJH and OHS in Phase
  • Implement targeted safety enhancements across all school facilities, including athletic spaces
  • Support specific OHS and OJH academic spaces
  • Anticipate uncertainty in maintaining our aging and iconic facilities

The 4.74 mill bond levy will cost taxpayers $165.90 annually per $100,000 of home value.

In order to provide our community factual information on the bond issue, we've created a FAQ page on our website to provide answers to questions about the bond. We will continue to update our FAQ resource in the months ahead with information pertaining to any questions we receive.

You can also view a detailed presentation on the scope of Phase 2 that was presented to the Board of Education at the January 2025 meeting.

Read More about Board approves 4.74 mill bond issue for May ballot
Kindergarten Registration Opens Feb. 24, 2025

Oakwood Schools is preparing to welcome the Class of 2038.  Kindergarten registration for the 2025 – 2026 school year begins Feb. 24, 2025.

To register for next year, youngsters must be five years old on or before August 1, 2025.  Families must reside within the Oakwood Schools district boundaries and demonstrate proof of residence as outlined in the District’s Residency Guidelines found on the District website.  

To review the guidelines and begin the online registration process, visit the Oakwood Schools website.

Once registered, families will receive additional information about Kindergarten Screening, which will take place at the Oakwood Community Center. Screening information will be sent to all registered families in mid-March.

Read More about Kindergarten Registration Kicks Off February 24th
PaySchools Central Logo

Oakwood City Schools uses Payschools Central to manage student fees and lunch accounts. In Payschools you can:

  • Manage all student accounts and fees in one place
  • Set up auto-replenish to automatically fill lunch accounts when they're running low
  • Set up reminders and alerts
  • Review student purchases
  • Complete an application for free and reduced lunch
  • Handle payments 24/7 at your convenience, on any device

Beginning February 12, 2025, PaySchools will implement an updated fee structure. While this change is intended to simplify payment processing, it may result in an increase in transaction fees. You can add money to a Payschools account via ACH or Credit Card online anytime, in any increment. For more information, log into your PaySchools account by visiting their website.

Read More about PaySchools Central - Important Changes Coming Soon
Heidi Edwards receiving the 2024 Parker Love of Teaching Award

Is there an educator that has had a special impact on your child? Who displays contagious enthusiasm for classroom instruction? Who brings out the best in all their students?  Help us recognize them with a nomination for the Oakwood Schools Foundation’s Parker Love of Teaching and Lifelong Learning Award.

Beverly Parker, a former longtime Oakwood teacher, created the award in 2010 in memory of her late husband Robert Parker. Each year since the award’s founding, deserving teachers have received the annual award, consisting of a $1,200 prize, which is divided between the recipient and the teacher’s school. The recipients receive a special award of framed artwork designed by an Oakwood High School art student.

Past winners are: Janet Block (Lange), Kathy Allan (OJHS), Tony Rainsberger (OHS), Ron Nelson (All buildings), Susan Kuntz (Harman), John Edwards (Harman), Nate Thompson (Smith), Lynne Irwin (Smith), Lori Morris (OHS), Leslie Blythe (OJH/OHS), and Tim Fleck (Harman), and Mary Haucke-Davis(OJH/OHS), Heidi Edwards (OHS).

Nominations are open and being accepted until March 15 on The Oakwood Schools Foundation’s website. For more information, please visit:

Read More about Call for Nominations: Parker Love of Teaching Award