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Oakwood Schools


2024 - 2025 Procedures


South Connection Policies and Procedures                           Effective MARCH 2024


Open Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. except:

  • April 8, 2024
  • May 27, 2024
  • July 4, 2024
  • September 2, 2024
  • November 28 and 29, 2024
  • December 24, 25, and 31, 2024
  • January 1 and 20, 2025
  • May 26, 2025
  • July 4, 2025

Emergency Closings:

  • If Oakwood Schools closed ----------------- South Connection closed
  • If Oakwood Schools have 1 hour delay --------- South Connection opens at 8 a.m.
  • If Oakwood Schools have 2 hour delay --------- South Connection opens at 9 a.m.

We will be open for the following:

  • Staff in-service days: Sign up required.
  • Early dismissals: Tell South Connection your plans for these days.
  • School scheduled holidays: You must sign-up and follow the posted procedure.

Program Eligibility

Oakwood Schools children can enroll in the fall program as kindergarten students.  They may continue attending through the summer after the sixth grade, or until their 14th birthday, whichever comes first, as long as they complete registration each year.  Students must finish kindergarten before becoming eligible to attend the summer program.  


South Connection will be using a time stamped link.  In the Spring, details will be published on our website with exact procedures for applying.  It is important to familiarize yourself with the link and when it will go active.  Everyone will have access to the Google Form at the same time but current students will fill the open spots first, followed by their siblings.  Remaining open spots will be filled by incoming kindergarteners and anyone new to the program.  Registration packets will not be distributed to anyone with an overdue account.  Families will be notified if there is room for their children in the program.  To secure placement in South Connection, parents should turn in the forms and fees by the posted deadline.  Those not offered a spot will be notified and will be placed on a waitlist.  New names may be added to this list by using the link until March of the following year. At that time, the list will be reset and the process will begin again.  Anyone on the S.C. waitlist at that time who is still interested in attending South Connection will need to reapply. 

*Summer has a nonrefundable registration and sunscreen fee.
*Fall has a before school and/or after school registration fee.


We offer a five-day option and a three-day option for our programs.  Part time students must specify which three days they are applying for and will need to adhere to that schedule unless room becomes available on other days.  We will not be able to offer vacation time during the school year.  Families are not responsible for paying for Oakwood breaks or days off (ie. full PD days or snow days) unless they sign up to come all day.   


Parents are responsible for informing South Connection directly any day their child will not be at South Connection.  The school does not tell us when children are absent or leave early.  Call South Connection (937) 643-9314, no later than 2:00 PM or leave a message on our answering machine 24/7.  If you email, be sure your message is clear and if it is not answered, follow it up with a phone call. 

  • Please understand last minute changes often result in confusion.  There is not always enough time to notify everyone that needs to be aware of this information.  If you cannot contact South Connection earlier than 2:00 PM, please let us know any changes as soon as possible so your child will be accounted for at school dismissal time.  If you are unable to contact us prior to picking up your child at Harman or Smith, please inform the South Connection teacher at the school before leaving.
  • Please check your phones around 3:15 p.m., in case we need to clarify your child’s dismissal plans.


Payment is based on actual days reserved. ALL PAYMENTS ARE DUE EACH FRIDAY OR THE LAST DAY OF THE WEEK THAT THE CHILD IS SCHEDULED TO ATTEND. You may pay for more than one week at a time. Always write on your payment which week you are paying for. Collect each receipt promptly from student’s mailbox.  If it shows a positive or negative balance, adjust the next payment to bring the balance to zero.  Payments can be made by check or cash, and must be placed in the payment box. We do not recommend sending payments with your child. No bills will be mailed. Your receipts and your canceled checks are your records.  We do not accept doctor excuses.


We are open 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

South Connection students and parents normally use the back door to enter and leave the building. Make sure to arrive before 7:50 a.m. if a child wishes to eat breakfast and attends Harman or Smith.  Lange students should arrive before 8:30 a.m. if a child wishes to eat breakfast.  When kindergarten is in session, everyone must enter through the front door. Please be aware that special classes meet in the big room during the day. Drivers should never cross through the orange cones since children may be outside on the playground.  Cars may park behind the cones or in the marked parking spaces.  The person picking up your child must be on file with our staff, or pick up will not be allowed. The 6:00 p.m. closing time will be strictly enforced.  The $1 per minute overtime penalty fee will be assessed for late pick-ups. We appreciate prompt pick-ups, since our staff has commitments in the evening.


Children being transported to school need to arrive at South Connection no later than 8 A.M. Since the bus is on a tight schedule, students must report to South Connection teachers immediately after school. Please be sure that your child’s teacher knows that children will miss the bus if held after school. Behavior such as disturbing fellow students or arguing over seats will not be tolerated. Eating is not permitted on the bus or vans. Failure to respect drivers, teachers, and rules could result in loss of transportation privileges.


During the school year, breakfast and snacks are included in regular fees. Parents may need to supply food for children with allergies. Children bring their own lunches on extended days. In the summer, breakfast and snacks are included in the regular fees. Supplies and activity fees are normally included for both fall and summer programs. Spending money is only allowed when noted on our activity schedule.


Oakwood forms must be completed by both parent and physician and returned before OTC or RX drugs are given to students. These forms may be obtained from the Oakwood website or from S.C.  All meds must be kept in the S.C. office.


Please check student mailboxes frequently for receipts and other notices.    


Electronic Communication is used to convey important information and must be attended to regularly.  If you find that you are not getting our regular emails, please contact us so we can fix the issue.

  • Monthly newsletters summarizing current events are emailed.
  • OneCall is used for urgent messages.
  • Personal email notifications as needed.


Electronic Device Use at South Connection is Limited

We are not responsible for lost or broken devices.

  • Tablets can be used when doing schoolwork at designated times.
  • We strongly recommend that students do not wear smart watches at South Connection since all changes of plans need to be made through South Connection staff.  If your child does wear a smart watch, it can only be used to tell time.  If it is used for any other reason, the child will lose the privilege to bring it to South Connection. 
  • Monitoring games, camera use, and incoming and outgoing communication takes too much time away from staff that need to be supervising groups of children. 
  • All other devices are not allowed. 


The children enjoy seeing their photos displayed at S.C. and occasionally making videos of our activities. If you prefer that your child not be included, please notify Christy. 


Students have the opportunity to go swimming at the OCC if they have Oakwood pool passes.  Other activities and field trips will be planned for those students that do not go to the pool.  We offer limited transportation to Dolphin swim team practice, OCC swim lessons, and OCC tennis lessons.  Parents are responsible for registering and paying for them. Since the OCC does NOT provide us with swim lessons and tennis lessons lists, parents must keep us informed of lesson schedules. Transportation to OCC lessons is guaranteed for the FIRST THREE SESSIONS ONLY that end by noonWe have to eat and be ready for our afternoon trips.  We do not provide one-way transportation.  Please be here 30 minutes before lesson times and allow 30 minutes between swim team, swim lessons, tennis lessons and Reading Immersion.  Although we provide transportation to the lessons, we rely on the OCC staff to supervise and instruct the students.  PLEASE BE SURE YOUR CHILD IS RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO PARTICIPATE IN GROUP LESSONS. Refer to the Summer Registration Packet for more details.

If South Connection is notified in advance, one week of vacation may be taken off per summer with no charge. Vacation weeks cannot be broken down into individual days.


Children should arrive at South Connection with sunscreen already applied.  They will reapply sunscreen at 10 a.m., before their afternoon outdoor activities, and again as needed.  Please teach your children how to put on sunscreen properly, since students are responsible for applying it.  Staff will supervise the application and provide mirrors so that children can cover their faces adequately.  Staff will help apply sunscreen if a child needs assistance.  Whenever children wear swimsuits, either at S.C. or the pool, we strongly recommend they also wear a tee shirt or rash guard.  This will protect their backs and shoulders from the sun, since hard to reach areas may not be adequately sunscreened.  Children, who do not have the extra shirt, may not be able to wear swimsuits if deemed at risk for sunburn.  The tee shirt or rash guard will need to be taken home regularly and washed since it will be worn during water activities. 


Please contact the South Connection Program Manager (937-643-9314) or the Oakwood Board (937-297-5332) to discuss any concerns or suggestions you or your child may have concerning the program or staff.


  • Let us know as soon as possible the last day your child will attend. Whether or not a student may return will be determined by availability. 

  • Anyone withdrawing from S.C. after completing a new fall or summer registration will lose their reserved spot if they withdraw from the program before the end of the school year.


Enrollment or future enrollment of a child in the program can be suspended or terminated by staff with written notice from the Program Manager for prudent reasons such as:                                      

  • Parents leave before child is checked in.
  • Parents fail to pick up sick children in a timely manner.
  • Parents pick up children past 6:00 PM.
  • Parents or children fail to follow daily procedures and disrupt the program.
  • Any other action that goes against COVID-19 safety practices.
  • Repeated failure to report to us when children will not be riding the bus.
  • Children's account is three weeks or more delinquent in payment.
  • Inappropriate behavior by people authorized to pick up your child.
  • After reasonable efforts to integrate a child into the program by the staff, the child’s behavior is deemed chronically disruptive to the functioning of the program.
  • The child’s health, emotional, or physical functioning is deemed disruptive to the functioning of the program or dangerous to the child or other children.