Options Discussion Feedback
Small Group Discussion Feedback
Feb. 28, 2018
Option A
Green spaces are preserved - not just for the school/students but for the community; Need to keep field space and practice space; Saves some of only green space in the community
Address the actual “needs” of heating/plumbing/electrical; Necessary to at least do this;“Terribly needed”; Like our houses you get what you pay for and it’s worth paying a little more to get quality fixes; Immediate attention to critical needs
This option makes financial sense - cheapest option; Smallest impact to taxpayers
Likes keeping grade breakdowns as they are now
Preserving the architecture; Limit change and preserve heritage
Least invasive
If enrollment projects are right, we don’t need more space
Maintains full neighborhood schools
Would create clean, safe schools
Doesn’t do enough, merely band aids, not looking at the future educational needs; Doesn’t do enough to make positive changes for our schools; Doesn’t address future educational concerns, ideas
“It’s not necessary.”
Plan doesn’t address appropriate space for performing arts
Keeping Lange building when it is not in Oakwood; Lange remains an “island”; Busing doesn’t always work to Lange
Allows kindergarten to remain unconnected to neighborhood schools
Doesn’t solve space constraints; Still no solution for the lunch/cafeteria issues
Want to make sure these plans would also address building security
Would like to see specifics of what actual repairs/replacements are needed for systems in the buildings; Doesn’t appear to have a budget for any of the options; Mileage seems too high for the work being done
Option B1, B2
Better classrooms for the future
Lange is eliminated - it is too limited and too small; Greater capacity for Pre-K students in expansion; Needed because Lange is ill equipped to be a school; Lange’s interior rooms should be eliminated - no natural light, too small; Lange does not have a good security plan; Having school in Oakwood not in Kettering
Idea of an Early Learning Center is excellent; ELC benefits future success for the students; ELC would be attractive to potential new, young families looking to buy a house; ELC allows for customizing the building for our little students
Having larger rooms and fewer grades in buildings, Addresses space concerns
Consistency for Pre-K-1 students, good keeping the kids together to start; Kids get to stay together PreK, K and 1; Decreasing transitions for young students
Smaller early learning center allows for more green space; Could still make the space fun and inclusive for kids
B2 improves parking on Telford
Being near Smith, older kids could be involved in mentoring and special projects with the PK-1; Learning buddies for teachers and students
Brings young students closer to neighborhood schools
Can do more with new design and new construction to address issues for the future than renovation would allow
Teachers see value added in having more flexible spaces
Without Lange, potential for state money increases
Green space is not fully utilized now
This plan only helps younger kids
Early Learning Center would have environmental impact on the community, loss of green space; Would eliminate space the library uses
Would create traffic problems for residents - increased traffic in the area; No parking; Increased traffic around Smith; Limits parking for teachers
Eliminates playground space
Costs too much
Overcrowding at Smith and Harman not solved; May not add enough value because it doesn’t address space concerns across the district
Don’t need more buildings
Transportation issues for Early Learning Center - including increased costs?; Safety issue for 1st graders crossing Far Hills
No big difference between having Lange in Kettering or Oakwood
Doesn’t address space issues 7-12
ELC would not be on school land
If classroom size increases will there be larger classes?
Doesn’t address the gym size at Harman
No mention of technology in new buildings
Option C1, C2
There seems to be a greater need at the high school level to update than at the elementary or PreK/K level
More space; Addition of new, useable spaces; Could create better space for special needs students
Design for the future; Can do more with new design and new construction to address issues for the future than renovation would allow; Solves a lot of space issues - fully addressing the issues for now and in the future for changing types of educational ideas
More green space in high school area; Keeps green space at Smith
Team teaching could benefit from this facility
New high school provides more opportunity to use technology
Enhanced performing arts; Number of students involved in sports and arts is compelling reason to expand; Great donor option to help with the performing arts
Love using the courtyard - open space allows for flexibility; Experiential learning in courtyard
Like having 7th graders away from the 12th graders
Team teaching and teacher collaboration would benefit
Could become more ADA friendly
Could address lack of gym space
Too much money
Too much performance spaces, need more rehearsal space
Makes Oakwood no longer affordable, taxes would be too high
Demolishing Mack Hummon - loss of community feel and loss of heritage/tradition; Lane Stadium is too far to walk to; Loses space for marching band practice
Would make for messy pickup and drop off at OHS
Loss of green space
Not enough parking for “new” performing arts and stadium
Too many grades going to the same area
No place for baseball, softball
Keeps Lange and it’s not in Oakwood and not good space
Parking issues exist at OHS; Invasive and disruptive to the neighborhood; Big building would not be attractive in the neighborhood
The longer we can keep older students with elementary the better
Negative reaction to tearing down the middle section of the current junior high
Would lose 5th and or 6th graders helping/mentoring the younger kids, Loses 6th grade graduation
Not having junior and senior high together loses the benefit of programs that are for both
5th graders and recess - where and how
No mention of technology in new buildings
Some concern about moving 6th graders out of the elementary schools
Option D1, D2
Love the proximity to library for ELC
Need to do what’s best for kids regardless of costs
If we sell ourselves short now, we will pay for it eventually
Good for the community to use performing arts center
Like the dedicated early learning center
Would allow for any enrollment increase
Would only support if paid by private donations
Kindergarten stays together before neighborhood schools
More green space
Too much money
Separating 9th grade from rest of the high school would limit consistency since they are getting high school credit and involved in other activities; 9th should stay with high school
Transportation issues for Early Learning Center
Not sold on the middle school concept
Difficult for Harman parents to drop off at multiple locations
Don’t see purpose of removing 9th graders from the high school
Do not want to combine administrative and instructional space
No mention of technology in new buildings