It has been a great opening to the new school year. Our amazing staff and support from the community continues to astound me!
In August, Board of Education members voted to place a combination levy, consisting of a 5.75 mill Operating Levy and a 1.0 Permanent Improvement Levy on the Nov. 7, 2023 ballot.
The District’s last request for an operating levy passed in May 2019. At that time, the budget was forecasted that, if passed, Oakwood Schools would not need to go back to voters for new money until November 2023. The District was able to achieve that goal.
Like with any business, the cost of operating goes up every year for school districts but funding remains flat. Due to House Bill 920, passed in 1976, school districts do not receive automatic increases on locally voted tax levies when property values or costs increase. State funding for Oakwood Schools also stays relatively flat from year to year.
The Operating Levy on the November ballot would generate $2.1 million annually and be used to pay for day-to-day budget items including supplies, utilities, programming, activities and personnel costs. According to the Ohio Department of Education State Report Card financial data, Oakwood Schools spends nearly 73 cents of every dollar in the classroom.
The Permanent Improvement levy would generate $373,000 annually and would be used to pay for budget items including security and technology updates, building maintenance and repairs, and replacement of computers, vehicles and furniture. Voters last renewed a 1.8 mill permanent improvement levy in November 2022. For context, the District maintains approximately $100 million in buildings and facilities, as well as equipment.
According to the Montgomery County Auditor, the combined ballot issue, if passed, would cost homeowners $236 per $100,000 of appraised value of their home. For more information, including the Five-Year Forecasts, monthly financial reports and Frequently Asked Questions, please access the Treasurer’s webpages. The latest state and federal grant funding information is also available.
Our District leaders and staff members will continue to provide factual information regarding the levy but are prohibited from using funds to advocate for or against any levy. The Ohio Auditor of State recently released campaign guidance for school employees. The premise of the guidelines is based on Section 9.03 of the Ohio Revised Code prohibiting using public funds to support the passage of a levy or bond issue. Our legal counsel and the Auditor of State are encouraging districts to train the Board of Education, staff, and community members regarding the levy campaign guidance:
District employees CANNOT use district resources to advocate for or against the levy;
District employees CANNOT advocate for or against the levy while being compensated by the district;
District employees CAN provide neutral, factual information about the levy at any time; and,
District employees CAN advocate for or against the levy on their own time
(outside of working hours).
It is our goal to provide factual information and answer your questions during the next few months. You can visit our District website for information as well as email Treasurer Laura Sauber at with questions regarding the upcoming combined levy.
Neil Gupta, Superintendent
Laura Sauber, Treasurer