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Oakwood Schools


My Meeting with Superintendent Dan Raisch

I’m unsure if it was ingrained in my upbringing, but I could hardly sit still during a chat over coffee with Dr. Dan Raisch.  I learned the importance of respecting leaders who’ve come before me.  I found it ironic that we were sitting in my office at Rubicon Road, which he had previously held as Superintendent of Oakwood Schools from 19xx - 19xx.  I felt a sense of reverence in speaking with the leader who shaped Oakwood Schools and served the Oakwood community for over 12 years.

Dr. Raisch, a 1992 Sam Andrews Educational Hall of Fame Past Inductee, possessed a calm demeanor that comforted me in talking with him.  He had a smile on his face that brightened the room.  In asking for the best advice he could offer, he pointed to the fundamental truth for all leaders: build trust through transparency with staff and the community.  

During his tenure, student enrollment fluctuated, so he partnered with the community to look for ways to promote engagement through open communication.  Dr. Raisch shared about his support and work in helping to establish the Business Advisory Council, a group of community members who help to review finances and engage in financial feedback.  He was also part of establishing the Oakwood Schools Foundation, for which we continue to partner in many supported areas today.  In addition, he created a strategic plan to help in creating and setting the direction for the district’s future.

Regarding academics, Dr. Raisch shared his pride in creating the department chair roles to empower teachers to lead academic departments to elevate the curriculum and classroom instruction.  He also led work to help review and update the teacher evaluation process to support the teachers and learning environment.

I asked my last question for a glimpse at leadership in general and specifically in Oakwood - what’s the most difficult thing you did while serving in Oakwood?  With a calm tone and a twinkle in his eye,  Dr. Raisch simply replied, “calling snow days”.  I guess some things never change.