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Oakwood Schools Students and Staff Receive Dottie Yeck Good Life Award Recognition

"Being Good + Doing Good = Having Fun + Being Happy"

The formula above is the life philosophy of Dottie Yeck, a champion of children, who believed that one is never too young to have an impact on the world.  To honor her life, her family and the Washington Centerville Public Library hold a yearly writing contest open to all 7th-9th grade students in Montgomery County.

Based on the following prompt, students were to submit essays in 300-500 words: 

Describe how you are laying a foundation for your life. Think about what you want to achieve and what steps you are taking to get what you want. Reflect on how outside influences such as family, friends, faith, or activities contribute to your self-esteem and confidence. Give specific examples on how these outside influences help to make you a stronger, better person. Describe how you think these influences will contribute to your happiness and lead you down the right path in life.

Over 600 essays were submitted and scored.  Four top winners were selected, twenty students received honorable mention, and one teacher was recognized.  I am proud to share that Audrey Havrilla was selected as the 2023 Dottie Yeck Award winner.  Her essay is posted on the library website: The Path.  Audrey got the opportunity to recite her essay at the Award Ceremony, and I was impressed by her imagery, which unveiled her determination, passion, and pursuit to create her path!  In addition to the award, Audrey received $3,000 for her winning essay.

Of the twenty honorable mentions, four Oakwood students received awards: Ella Wright, Alexander Grafton, Eve Borbonus, and Stella Butler.  You can read their essays on the website: Winning Entries

Finally, of all of the teachers who helped the over 600 students across Montgomery County to submit their essays, Oakwood High School's Mrs. Kelsey Jackson was named as the best teacher.

I appreciate our teachers for providing opportunities for our students to think deeply on prompts like this to help them reflect and guide their future.  There's no question that our staff invest time to not only help students develop their writing capabilities but to also help them discover their passions, interests, and goals to "doing good and being good".
