While it’s a “No School” Day for students today, our Oakwood Schools Staff are gathered for a day of learning and collaboration. Our April 1st Professional Learning Day is “no joke”. A significant outcome in student learning takes place when “collective efficacy” is achieved. Collective efficacy is defined as a staff’s shared belief that they have the understanding, tools, strategies, and resources to leverage a common plan to support student learning. Through the leadership of the District’s Professional Development Committee, months of preparation have been invested in continued, deepening learning in the district’s focus areas around Academics, Technology, Social-Emotional Learning, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and a Multi-Tiered System of Supports to support all students.
Check out some titles of some of the sessions being shared:
- Writing: Sentence Expansion and Elaboration
- Bridge’s Breakout (our elementary math resource)
- Arts Integration in the Classroom
- Looking at AI Through a Beginner’s Eye
- Cultivating a Brave Space
- Tech Playground
- Creating a Culture of Empathy
A robust professional learning experience allows staff to select sessions that help to cultivate and broaden their learning. The morning will be spent with staff members selecting from 10-12 sessions during three separate blocks. Then, the afternoon is allocated for staff members to seek self-directed time in meetings by department, grade level, or small group for more focused learning.
Learning is also leveraged through a combination of staff leading sessions as well as outside experts providing insights to raise the level of learning. There’s even one session in which a staff member has invited students and alumni to serve on a panel to help provide feedback to foster inclusive environments!
At Oakwood Schools, we are committed to providing the best education for our students. I am thankful for our staff for coming together to learn, share, reflect, and build upon their work to make an even better experience for the whole child.