Oakwood Schools Safety Measures
While there is certainly no perfect solution to stop school violence, there are multiple layers of protection we can and will continue to implement to insulate our students, staff and community. The District has a confidential, comprehensive safety plan, which is reviewed and regularly updated with area agencies. In addition, Oakwood Schools has implemented a number of physical, social-emotional and organizational layers of protection to help detect, deter, delay and defend.
Key points to our current safety plan:
Oakwood Safety Department response time to school facilities is far faster than industry standards - typically less than 90 seconds to be on-site.
During school hours, all school doors are locked.
All schools are equipped with inside and outside high-resolution surveillance cameras.
School personnel wear ID badges during school hours.
Visitors must sign in and wear ID tags.
Every school has detailed disaster drill procedures, including lockdown procedures, for internal and external threats.
Every school regularly conducts disaster, evacuation and lockdown drills in cooperation with Oakwood and Kettering (Lange) law enforcement.
The District maintains detailed Crisis Plans for multiple scenarios.
School employees and students are trained in ALICE techniques and strategies. These are life skills, not just school skills.
Drills at each of the schools focus on developing age-appropriate skills to take advantage of their options and how to stay safe in and out of the school setting.
The Board of Education conducts a biannual review of building security procedures.
District administrators meet regularly with Oakwood Safety Department to review our Crisis Plans and safety/security protocols.
The District conducts background checks - which include fingerprinting - of all staff, substitutes, coaches and volunteers who work independently of the supervising teacher with students.
Oakwood Safety Department dispatches personnel to our schools during school-related disasters in other communities.
Several enhancements to our social, emotional, academic and physical safety programs to ensure personal connections to our students.
Multi-Agency Radio Communication System communication devices - at no cost through the Ohio School Security Grant Program - are used in the District.
The District contracts cybersecurity specialists to provide expertise, monitoring, and training to prevent, prepare for, and respond to potential threats.
The District partners with Safer Schools Ohio to use an anonymous tip line for students, families and community members and will continue to share information with students and families.
Continuous physical enhancements ranging from installing more cameras, intercoms, bolo sticks and keypads, upgrading monitors and replacing door locks have been made throughout the District.
District focuses on student wellness and monitoring.
Handle with Care program allows for additional support for students - no details required.
Hope Squad and other student support groups are in place throughout the District.
District is committed to Timber Time and Advisory Period, a continuation and enhancement on character education.
District promotes programs to develop a caring adult for every student every day.
Through communication and programming, District promotes a “see something, say something” approach for our students, families and staff.
Threat Assessment teams are trained to assess situations and work hard to prevent acts of violence, but no one can predict who, when or how.
District has added mental health professionals and social-emotional experts to our staff and partnered with area agencies for student and family support.
District continues to provide ongoing professional development around SEL topics.
In addition, we seek outside funding sources to offset the cost, realizing the importance of staying informed about available resources and products.
No matter how much we do, we know there are no guarantees when it comes to safety and when you mix it with maintaining a warm and welcoming environment for students, staff and visitors, it is a delicate balancing act.
Updated Dec. 12, 2022