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Oakwood Schools


Board of Education 2023

Oakwood Schools Board of Education members took the first step Tuesday, June 27 at the organization’s regular monthly meeting to place a two-part request on the Nov. 7 ballot.  

The 5.75 mill operating levy portion of the ballot item would generate $2.1 million in annual revenue for the District. Taxpayers’ additional investment for the operating levy would be $201.25 annually, per $100,000 of the appraised value of a home, according to the Montgomery County Auditor.   This money would be used for staffing, instructional materials and student programming costs.

The 1 mill permanent improvement portion of the ballot item would generate $373,000 in annual revenue for the District.  This money would be used for facility improvements and maintenance, technology, and security.  This portion of the levy would cost taxpayers $35 annually, per $100,000 of the appraised value of a home, according to the Montgomery County Auditor.

At the July 10, 2023 Board meeting, members will be asked to approve the resolution to proceed and place the levy on the Nov. 7 ballot.

Power of the Pen 2024 State Camps
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children playin in pools of water
children playin in pools of water