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Oakwood Schools


workers outside OHS working on roof

Phase 1 of the Oakwood Schools Master Facilities Plan is underway at four of the District’s five buildings.  The majority of this summer’s work will be done at Oakwood High School and Junior High. 

Crews have begun replacing the slate roof on the high school, which was built in 1924.  New slate tiles along with components of the gutter and downspout system will be replaced to prevent leaking in the nearly 100-year-old building, while ensuring the architectural integrity of the building and the community.  Other high quality materials will be used on the roof in less-visible areas.

Other summer projects include installing a new HVAC system, remodeling bathrooms to increase accessibility and updating lighting in classrooms and hallways. 

Both Smith Elementary and Harman School will get new boilers, updated bathrooms and roof repairs.

All of the buildings will remain closed to the public through Aug. 1 to allow work to continue.  Voters approved a bond levy to help fund the project in May 2019.