Preschool Handbook
Welcome to Oakwood Preschool!
This handbook is being provided to students and parents of Oakwood Preschool as a reference guide concerning the operation of the school. Please feel free to contact us at any time concerning questions you may have. The staff will be happy to discuss your child's progress with you. We are looking forward to another exciting year.
“We pride ourselves on our history, but plan for the future. We strive to produce intellectual, creative, and respectful members of our community.”
Edwin D. Smith Elementary
1701 Shafor Boulevard
Dayton, Ohio 45419
(937) 297-5335
Fax (937) 297-1841
Absence Line (937) 297-5346
Principal: Cassie Schoch
Administrative Assistant: Joan Fisk
Preschool Supervisor: Haley Goodwin
Preschool Teacher: Rachel Balsbaugh
Preschool Teacher/Intervention Specialist: Beth Freels
Preschool Teacher/Intervention Specialist: Jimalee Donohoo
Table of Contents
Click on the topic to "jump" to that portion of the handbook
Appointments During School Day
Arrival/Departure from School
Behavior Management
Child Abuse Training
Class Placements
Class Size
- Open House
- Progress Reports
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Email/Telephone
- Newsletters
Description of Curriculum
Directory/Roster Information
District Administration
Drills (Fire, Tornado, Lock Down)
Eligibility of Students with a Disability
Emergency Closings
Family Home Services
Field Trips
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
- Communicable Diseases
- Health Screenings (Vision/Hearing)
- Medication Policy
- Emergency Procedures
- Immunizations
Notice of Discrimination
Outdoor Play
Parent Rights
- Evaluation
- Records
Parents as Partners
Preschool Purpose
Program Options
Student Code of Conduct
Vision, Mission, Core Values
Visitors to the Building
What to Bring/Wear
District Administration
Preschool Purpose
In an effort to provide appropriate services to preschool aged children with disabilities, the Oakwood City Schools operates an integrated preschool program, which operates four days per week with half-day sessions. Both preschool age children with disabilities, and typically developing children are enrolled in the program. The purpose of this program is to provide children with disabilities intervention services designed to meet their specific needs and the opportunity to interact with typically developing children in a positive learning environment. Our Philosophy is to provide a program for preschool aged children that addresses the needs, interests and abilities of each student through quiet and active play.
Typically developing preschool students are selected for the program by signing up on a waitlist. Students must be at least age 3 by September 30 of the upcoming school year, be residents of the district, toilet trained and typically developing. Applications for the waitlist are available on the district’s website and as a print copy at any of the school buildings.
Preschool Days/Hours
Monday – Thursday
Morning: 8:45-11:30 a.m.
Afternoon: 12:15-3:00 p.m.
District Goals
The Oakwood School community educates students to become ethical decision-makers who achieve their life goals, take responsible risks, and contribute to the greater good of the world. Graduates are prepared for their post-secondary pursuits, proud of their Oakwood education, and poised to lead and serve.
Doing what is best for students is our guiding principle. To this end, the Oakwood School community commits the resources, support, expertise, and experiences needed for all students to achieve.
Core Values
EXCELLENCE: Excellence is our commitment to superior standards in all that we do. We pursue continued growth and strive to achieve the highest levels of performance in all endeavors.
COMMUNITY: Community describes a commitment to our students that is shared by our citizens, families, faculty and staff. Our students thrive when relationships and a sense of common purpose are focused towards making a positive difference in their lives.
TRUST: Trust is the confidence we place in one another to act with integrity and in the best interests of our students.
RESPECT: It is important that we seek ways to demonstrate our understanding of and appreciation for differences among us. All of our students deserve to experience the excellence Oakwood offers in ways that complement their individual strengths and needs.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Accountability is the commitment to examine all endeavors with a constructive and critical eye in order to take responsible and dynamic action.
SERVICE: Going beyond self and giving back to the broader community are essential experiences for personal growth.
TRADITION: We celebrate our history by appreciating our traditions. A shared sense of belonging to a special place inspires commitment to quality.
FUTURE: We honor our history by embracing the future. This requires leadership at all levels that is forward thinking and informed by divergent perspectives.
Eligibility of Student with a Disability
The Oakwood preschool program serves children determined eligible to receive services under the Ohio Department of Education Rules for the Education of Children with Disabilities. Oakwood staff work with families to assess individual children for eligibility. The eligibility criteria for 3-5 year olds are different from the eligibility criteria for birth-to-two year olds. A child determined eligible as a birth to two-year old is not automatically eligible for services as a three year old.
Preschool Child with a Disability:
A child who is at least 3 years of age and not yet 6 years of age and meets the definition of a child with a disability or, at the choice of the school district, is a child who:
Is experiencing developmental delays in one or more of the following areas: physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social or emotional development or adaptive development, and who, because of it, needs special education and related services.
Preschool Special Education:
We provide specially designed instruction that meets the needs of a child with a disability who is between 3 years old and 5 years old.
Ohio Revised Code 3323.02 is reflected in Rule 3301-51-02(A). It requires that each school district adopt and implement written procedures ensuring that a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) is made available for all children with disabilities, aged 3 through 21 years of age.
District must have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in effect for each child with a disability within its jurisdiction who is eligible for special education and related service, by the child’s third birthday and the beginning of each subsequent school year (Rule 3301-51-07(D)(4)). If a child’s birthday occurs during the summer, the child’s IEP team shall determine the date when services will begin; however, implementation shall occur no later than the beginning of the following school year (Rule 3301-51-02(A)(1)).
Program Options
The Oakwood preschool is responsible for operating programs within the approved range of service options for students with special needs. This includes both center-based and itinerant service options. Center-based programs operate on a four-day (Monday-Thursday) weekly schedule. Services are provided in half-day sessions, AM and PM. Related Services such as nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, vision education and adapted physical education are integrated components of the center-based program. The type and amount of related service is determined by the student’s IEP.
In order to accommodate the spectrum of learning styles, classroom environments will also be available to provide a high level of structured and intense intervention for students that may require specific strategies to learn basic instructional, behavioral and/or communication skills. The center-based program will provide a continuum of integrated opportunities within the public school sites where their units are located.
Itinerant (traveling teacher) services are provided for eligible students for one hour per school week. Itinerant services are provided in a variety of settings including the child’s home, public education preschool or daycare center. If the child is in a regular education setting, the itinerant teacher provides the instructional support necessary for the student with special needs to be successful. The itinerant teacher collaborates with the regular education teacher to meet the needs of the student.
Each classroom is staffed with a special education instructor certified in early childhood education, one teacher assistant and a specialist team. This team includes a speech and language pathologist, school psychologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, adaptive physical education instructor, nurse and vision specialist. An integrated therapy model is implemented into the preschool classrooms to deliver an effective model. The integrated therapy model allows for specialists to interact as part of the classroom team and assists the rest of the staff on how to integrate their recommendations into the entire classroom day. This team uses a procedure called role release. Any team member having special skills may train any other team member needing those skills. The need for a team member to have certain skills is usually dictated by scheduling. Specialists cannot always be present when a skill needs to be taught in a natural context. Specialists have certain responsibilities. They cannot release their role to another until that person demonstrates that she can perform without prompts. The specialist must then monitor the activity to ensure that the released procedure is performed as taught.
The role release process usually consists of the following steps:
- The specialist and other team members share information related to the child’s needs.
- The specialist teaches the designated person(s) a specific procedure to address the need.
- The specialist supervises the implementation of the procedure and makes adjustments as needed.
- Classroom staff document progress on IEP goals and objectives weekly. Documentation is shared and reviewed with the specialists on a regular basis.
Class Placements
Class assignments are made with consideration to balancing each section in terms of academic ability, sex, individual needs, personality conflicts, learning styles, etc. Staff members review class lists. The final placement is the responsibility of the preschool supervisor. Specific requests for class placement are not accepted.
Description of Curriculum
The State of Ohio provides Early Learning Content and Standards for all of Ohio’s preschools. We adapt curriculum as needed to meet individual needs of children.
The Early Learning Content Standards describe essential concepts and skills that young children should know and be able to do at the end of the preschool experience. Our teachers modify and adapt these pre-kindergarten indicators so that they are relevant to all early leaning experiences. These Early Learning Content Standards are aligned to the K-12 indicators, so that there is a seamless continuum of learning for children in preschool through kindergarten and primary grades. They can be viewed or downloaded at
Behavior Management
Oakwood City Schools advocates the use of positive instructional strategies that will support and assist children in managing their own behaviors. The Oakwood Preschool supports techniques and strategies which promote growth toward independence of each person. Strategies will be used which promote responsible individual choice and emphasize self-management and self-determination. The Preschool staff member in charge of a child or a group of children is responsible for their discipline.
Classroom instruction involves maintaining “order” as well as teaching children how to behave appropriately. To achieve both of these components, the following key strategies are to be utilized as a matter of daily practice:
- Establishing and teaching classroom rules and procedures consistently
- Restructuring the environment by removing materials or adding more materials
- Offering choices
- Redirecting behaviors
- Giving positive instructions (e.g….“touch gently” rather than “don’t hit”)
- Using natural consequences and verbal praise for appropriate behavior
- Setting up rituals and routines to give children a sense of security
- Encouraging children to use words to express feelings as well as work out differences. Teachers should actively assist them in finding the right words. For some children, alternative means of communication other than verbal may need to be taught.
- Removing the child from the current activity, explaining the rules and giving the child the chance to try again; repeat if necessary
- Being persistent and consistent
- Ignoring inappropriate behaviors which are not harmful to others
- Using a “quiet area” in the classroom for children who need time to gain self-control or who need time away from distractions. Quiet areas are structured to calm the child, yet allow for visible supervision at all times
- Use appropriate “transition” that leads to a logical flow from one activity to another
- Separation, when used as a discipline, shall be brief in duration and appropriate to the child’s age and developmental ability, and the child shall be in sight and hearing of the preschool staff member in a safe, lighted and well-ventilated space
- Classroom materials and activities which are carefully selected to offer choices and which are usable and appropriate for the children can prevent some discipline problems from occurring. For preschoolers, the materials must be developmentally appropriate
The following will not be utilized:
- Use of cruel, harsh, corporal punishment or any unusual punishment
- Discipline shall not be delegated to any other child
- No physical restraints
- No locked rooms, closets or boxes will be used for time out
- No child will be subjected to verbal abuse
- Discipline will not be imposed for failure to eat or toileting accidents
- Discipline techniques shall not humiliate, shame or frighten a child
- Withholding food or toileting will not be used
- Child will remain within sight and hearing of the preschool staff member in a safe and well lit space
- The center shall not abuse or neglect children
Student Code of Conduct
Students at Edwin D. Smith Elementary School are expected to conduct themselves in a manner reflecting the basic belief in the worth and dignity of all people. Any behavior that could be expected to result in harm to oneself or to another person, in destruction of property, in disruption of school activities, or is in conflict with this basic belief is prohibited.
The following is the Student Code of Conduct for all students (PreK thru 6th grade) at Smith Elementary.
The rights of others should be respected at all times. During recess, lunchtime, and during special assemblies and programs courtesy should be extended to those performing as well as to the audience. Students are expected to demonstrate respect for school property, including the building and grounds, desks, equipment, textbooks and other materials. Students abusing, damaging, or taking school property will be held responsible. The same must be said for the property of other students. Students are not to touch or disturb the property of others unless granted permission by the owner.
Each teacher or team of teachers will develop a classroom discipline plan. The plan will contain class rules with both negative and positive consequences. Rules and expectations for student behavior will be discussed in detail with the students. The written code will be displayed in the room.
1. While under the jurisdiction of the school, any behavior that could ultimately result in harm to one's self or another; damage of property, or damage to the property of another is prohibited.
2. Tobacco, narcotics, unauthorized medications, counterfeit controlled substances, alcohol beverages, and other mood-changing substances are prohibited on school property.
3. Students may not use, possess, transmit, buy, sell, or be under the influence of any mood-altering chemical, nor possess any drug paraphernalia while under the jurisdiction of the school, including any activity, function, or event, whether on or off campus. Students may not attend classes, be on school property, or participate in a school activity, function, or event, whether on or off campus, if that day they have consumed, ingested, or used alcohol or any other mood-altering chemical.
4. Students may not possess articles, e.g. guns, knives (including Swiss Army type), chains, explosives, fireworks, etc., which would clearly have an adverse effect on the welfare of the school.
5. Cellular phones are permitted in the building, however they must be kept out of sight and turned off during the school day so as not to interfere with the educational process.
6. Bomb threats or similar kinds of threats are forbidden and will be treated as most serious violations of school rules.
7. All forms of cheating are forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, copying or downloading information without crediting the source, copying from another person or any circumstance in which academic credit is obtained dishonestly. No credit will be given for an assignment for which a student is found to have violated this rule. In addition, other academic and/or disciplinary penalties may be imposed.
8. No student may cause another to be intimidated, bullied, pestered, or harassed. No student shall use racial slurs.
9. No student may through force, suggestion, threat, or stealing take items of value including money from another person.
10. Rough or boisterous activities such as running, wrestling, and playing tag are prohibited while in the building. Throwing objects, including snowballs or ice balls, on, onto, or from the school grounds is prohibited unless specific permission is granted for a restricted area under controlled conditions.
11. Students may be prohibited from possessing items which, although normally considered harmless, may be distracting to the operation of the school or a class. (Examples: gum, candy, squirt guns, noisemakers, skateboards, roller blades)
12. Disruption of any class or school activity is prohibited.
13. No student may knowingly be disrespectful to any staff, disobey the rightful authority of a school official.
14. No student may use profanities and/or obscenities.
15. Students may not bring to school any material that may be considered obscene or profane.
16. The sales of any commodity for private gain during school hours and upon school property without prior permission of the principal is prohibited.
17. The consumption of food and beverages is limited to the cafeteria except when consumption is a part of a recognized class activity.
18. There is no restriction on a student's hairstyle or manner of dress unless these present a danger to the student's health or safety, cause an interference with work, or create classroom or school disorder. (See "Dress Code")
19. Public displays of affection are deemed inappropriate on the school premises.
20. The writing of graffiti on walls, lockers, desks, walkways, trees, and other similar school locations is prohibited.
21. Truancies from school and unauthorized absences from classes are in violation of the compulsory attendance laws.
22. During the time school is in session, a student may not leave the school premises without specific permission from the principal or designee.
23. The distribution of any non-school printed material while on the school premises without the prior permission of the principal is prohibited.
24. All school regulations shall apply to students during any school activity, function, or event, regardless of location.
The following represent the range of responses available to school personnel in recognizing students who follow the rules and regulations and exhibit good behavior. These are not necessarily listed in order of use.
1. Verbal praise
2. Written praise
3. Student phone calls to parents to share good news
4. Administrator or teacher phone calls to parents to share good news
5. Recognition during morning announcements
6. Special privileges
7. Certificates of recognition
The following represent the range of responses available to school personnel in dealing with violations of rules and regulations. These are not necessarily listed in order of use.
1. Teacher-student counseling
2. Verbal reprimand or logical consequences
3. Supervised detention before or after school or at noon
4. Written reprimand to student
5. Loss of privileges (e.g. recess, etc.)
6. Student phones parent to explain behavior
7. Conference with parents
8. Removal from class or activity
9. Referral to principal or preschool supervisor
10. Supervised in-school suspension from class
11. Suspension from school
12. Referral to Oakwood Safety Department
13. Referral to Montgomery County Juvenile Court
14. Expulsion from school*
(*Students and parents will be notified of their right to due process in the event of
suspension or expulsion.)
1. Students are expected to respect each other and follow instructions of all adult supervisors.
2. Checkout and use all equipment properly and safely.
3. Play only in designated areas.
4. Fighting, wrestling, tackling and rough horseplay are prohibited.
5. Throwing dangerous objects (hardballs, snowballs, rocks, dirt, mulch, etc.) is prohibited.
6. Students are not to leave the playground area without permission, even for balls, and may not return to the building without a Hall Pass from the supervising teacher.
7. Students are expected to line up quickly when the whistle is blown.
8. Only school equipment is to be used on the playground.
9. No food or chewing gum is permitted on the playground.
10. Only Smith students are permitted on the playground during regular school hours.
11. Students may not hang from the fence or jump from the walls.
12. General Rule: All acts of kindness and courtesy are encouraged.
Designated Quiet Areas
1. Any student may use the quiet area at any time.
2. Only quiet activities and holding conversations are permitted.
Playground Equipment Guidelines
1. Students will not hang by the knees on any of the equipment.
2. Chasing, running, and tag games are not permitted on the mulch areas.
3. Students will not grab, push, or pull others on the equipment.
4. Students will not stand or walk under students who are playing on equipment.
5. Students will use equipment as it is intended to be used.
Health Services
The district employs a certified school nurse with two full-time clinic nurses to provide school nursing services. The school has little space for accommodating students who become ill during the school day. It is absolutely essential that parents make sure that arrangements are made and communicated to the school in the event that a student is too sick to remain at school. Students will be sent home if any of the following symptoms are present (as described in the Child Day Care Communicable Disease Chart):
- Fever of 100 degrees or over or a lower temperature accompanied with complaints of headache, stomach ache, or diarrhea.
- Nausea and/or vomiting.
- Skin rash not seen by a doctor.
- Excessive coughing.
- Reddened eyes not seen by a doctor.
The following recommended guidelines should be observed:
- Keep your child at home when ill. Children cannot learn at full capacity if ill and most illnesses are of shorter duration if recognized and treated early.
- Colds, fever, rash, reddened eyes, or other signs may indicate a communicable disease. These should be checked by a physician before sending the child to school.
- If your child has a high fever and/or vomiting, allow 24 hours of normal temperature and no vomiting/diarrhea before sending the child back to school. Certain effects of illness remain after the temperature is normal.
- Report all cases of chicken pox, head lice, and contagious diseases to the school.
- Students with fractures, serious illnesses, recent surgeries, and chronic conditions that restrict physical activity must obtain written consent from a physician to participate in physical education classes.
- Students returning to school after a hospitalization due to injury or illness should obtain a note from a physician indicating that the student is able to return to school (i.e., not contagious) and should state any accommodations needed during the school day (i.e., shortened day).
Precautions shall be taken for children suspected of having a communicable disease:
A. Notification to the parent describing the signs and symptoms observed.
B. Students will be immediately isolated with supervisor and discharged to their parents or guardians.
1. Diarrhea (abnormally loose stool within 24 hour period)
2. Severe coughing causing child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound
3. Difficulty breathing
4. Yellowish skin or eyes
5. Conjunctivitis
6. Temperature of 100° F or higher
7. Untreated infected skin patches
8. Unusually dark urine and/or grey/white stool
9. Stiff neck
10. Evidence of lice, scabies or parasite infestation
11. Unusual spots/rashes
12. Sore throat/difficulty swallowing
13. Vomiting
The child will be made comfortable on a cot. While isolated the child will be carefully observed. The child shall be discharged to parent or guardian or designated other as soon as practical.
Care of mildly ill children – Child may be excused from participation and allowed to rest within the classroom or nurse’s office until he/she feels like returning to the group.
The school has a vital role in the control of communicable diseases. Following local and state guidelines, students will be excluded during the period for communicability and/or until appropriate treatment by a physician has been received. Teachers attend inservice training regarding First Aid and recognition of communicable diseases regularly.
Communicable Diseases
Chicken Pox – Students may return after seven days including weekends, if all scabs are dry. Other school-aged children in the family may attend school if they are well.
Conjunctivitis (Pink eye) – Students are excluded from school until 24 hours of antibiotics (if prescribed) and discharge has ceased.
Fifth Disease – Students may return after diagnosis and fever-free for 24 hours.
Head Lice – Please notify the school immediately if your child has lice. Students will be excluded from school until he or she is treated and free of all live lice. The school nurse will check the student’s hair before he/she may return to the classroom. Treat head lice with a prescription shampoo from your physician or with an over-the-counter treatment recommended by your pharmacist.
Impetigo – Students are excluded from school until released by physician or under treatment and lesions begin to heal.
Infectious Hepatitis – Students may return to school after the doctor’s release, but not before seven consecutive days from the onset of jaundice.
Mononucleosis – Consult a physician. Students will be excluded if fever is present, systematically ill, or on physician’s advice.
Ringworm or Athlete’s Foot – Students will be excluded until under treatment.
Scabies – A physician must be consulted for treatment. Students are excluded until treated.
Scarlet Fever, Scarletina, or Strep Throat – Students may return 24 hours after the treatment has been started and are fever-free for 24 hours.
Eye Screenings
Children attending Oakwood Schools in grades PS, K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 routinely receive eye screenings by a registered nurse sometime during the school year. Typically, screening occurs in the fall and early winter, but due to classroom schedules screening may occur later in the school year. School screenings are designed to detect visual problems, such as, near and far-sightedness and “lazy eye.” If a child fails the school screening the school nurse will notify a parent.
It’s extremely IMPORTANT to note that not all eye problems will be detected by the school screening or even in a pediatrician’s office. Thus, all school age children should have periodic professional eye examinations by an eye specialist. The best time to start taking your child to an eye specialist is before your child enters kindergarten and then on a periodic basis as determined by his/her eye specialist. This is the best and only way to totally evaluate a child’s vision. Please contact the school nurse, Shannon Mackie RN, if you have any questions or concerns.
Hearing Screenings
Hearing screenings are done by a school nurse in grades PS, K, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9. Parents of students who do not pass the hearing screening will be contacted by the nurse. Typically, hearing screenings are done along with the eye screening.
Medication and Prescription Drug Policy
When possible, administration of medication to students should be scheduled outside of school hours. However, if special circumstances require the administration of medication during school hours, prescription and nonprescription medication will be given. Medication taken by preschool students in school will be given by authorized staff members.
All administration of medication (prescription or over the counter) at school requires written permission from the parents and the physician. Forms for this permission are available from the school nurse, building secretary, or online at and MUST be completed by the parent, physician, and building administrator. If the medication is to be given on a continuing basis, the forms are to be renewed annually. All requests for the administration of medication must include the name of the medication, dosage, time it is to be given, any possible side effects, and the expected duration of the medication.
The parent is responsible for providing the medication in the original container, transporting it to school, picking up any remaining medication at the end of the medication period or end of year, and notifying the school of any change in the original prescription or change in the prescribing physician.
Emergency Cards/Student Information Forms
Each parent is asked to sign a Student Information Form. Please fill in both sides.
The Student Information Form must be completed annually granting parental consent for staff to administer first aid and get emergency services for their child.
If a child is transported by ambulance prior to the parent/guardian arriving, a staff member should accompany the child and take the emergency medical information. The staff will not leave the hospital until the parents/guardians have arrived.
Remember to update these forms whenever there is a change in address or telephone number. If you plan to be away for a day, please notify the nurse/teacher of your location and how you can be reached in case of an emergency.
Emergency Illness and Injury Procedures
A school nurse or clinic nurse is on duty in the clinic and at least one staff member is trained in first aid and CPR as taught by the American Red Cross at each site. CPR classes are renewed every two year and first aid classes are renewed every three (3) years according to policy. In an event of an emergency, staff will:
- Contact the School Nurse
- Quickly assess the child’s health
- Call 9-1-1 or other appropriate emergency assistance as needed
- Give first aid and CPR, if necessary
- Contact parent/guardian or the person they have listed to contact in case of an accident or injury
- The program will maintain a log of injury reports
State Law (ORC 3701.13, 3313.67 and 5104.011 A(5)) requires enrollees 20 months or older shall be immunized as follows:
Minimum Immunization Requirements
- 4 doses DPT vaccine (5 doses if 4th dose is given prior to 4th birthday)
- 3 doses of Polio vaccine (4 doses if 3rd dose is given prior to 4th birthday)
- 1 dose Hib at or about 15 months of age up to the 5th birthday
- 3 doses of Hepatitis B according to required schedule
- 1 dose MMR* (2 doses by age 5)
*Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine should be administered on or after 12 months of age – preferably 12 – 15 months of age.
Any exemption to these requirements requires a written statement from your physician or a written statement that immunizations are objectionable for a “good cause,” a waiver form will be provided by the nurse.
Physician’s Report (Physical)
As required by Section 3301.37 of the Ohio Revised Code, parents with a child enrolled in our preschool program must provide at the time of admission to program and annually from the date of the physical thereafter, a current Physician’s Report and/or physical.
Regular preschool attendance in school is closely related to good school work. Students are expected to be present and punctual. Smith School maintains daily attendance records, including admission and withdrawal dates.
When a student will be absent from school, the parent/guardian is to call the school to report the absence. For your convenience, messages may be left anytime on the Smith School Absence Reporting System 297-5346. Parents are requested to report an absence by giving the parent’s name, the student’s name, grade (preschool), homeroom teacher, and a brief description of the illness or reason for the absence. The school requests that a confirmation excuse note be sent to the homeroom teacher upon the student’s return to school. If a child will be late to school, they will need to enter the school through the main office.
For your child’s well being, as well as for the protection of other children, please do not send/bring your child to program with a sore throat, runny nose, fever, rash, diarrhea or vomiting.
If your child has had emergency treatment, hospitalization, surgery, a communicable disease or is absent a week due to illness, a written authorization (medical release) to return to program from your child’s physician is required. Please ask the physician to include any special instructions the staff might need to know (e.g. activity level, eating, change in medications, etc.).
Appointments During the School Day
Parents who wish to check students out of class for medical, dental or professional appointments must do so through the office. Please do not go directly to the classroom. The parent must sign the book in the office with the time of departure and/or arrival. It is also helpful if a note is sent to the teacher or office prior to the early dismissal.
Emergency Closings, Delays and Dismissals
In the event of bad weather or other emergencies that may cause a school closing, delay, or early dismissal, the Oakwood City Schools will communicate with parents and students through local media, social media and the District website. In the event of a school delay, morning preschool will be closed. Please do not call the school. You will be called for emergency closings, delays and early dismissal through the District voice notification system.
Arrangements for students must be made in advance by parents in case of early dismissal. PLEASE make arrangements for your child to go to a relative or neighbor’s home if you will not be at home. Students may not be able to use the phones in some emergencies and parents may not be able to reach the school because of busy or damaged phone lines.
Parents as Partners
Parents are the first and most important teachers in their children’s lives. Parents have both the right and the responsibility to be involved in their children’s education.
Our staff works in partnership with families to encourage participation in their child’s program. We will provide a variety of activities and opportunities for parent participation.
- Immediately notify the classroom teacher if any changes occur in address, telephone number(s) or emergency contacts during the school year. We must be able to contact you or a designated contact in case of emergency.
- Please provide a change of clothing (shirt, pants, socks, training pants/diapers), for your child marked with your child’s name. These will remain at school until needed. When/if they are sent home, please send in a replacement set the following school day. Please note if the child’s original set of clothing has not been used in several months it may not be appropriate for the current temperature/weather outside. For example, if you send shorts in August and your child doesn’t need his/her clothing changed until November/December, you wouldn’t want to have shorts put on your child in the middle of winter. Please make every effort to dress your child according to the temperature and/or weather of the day. Remember that by layering clothes it is always possible for the staff to make the children as comfortable as possible by removing some layers. Please make sure your child is wearing closed toed shoes each day. We use the gym or playground daily. Children need to be able to run and climb safely. Dress your child for play since many activities can be messy.
- A snack time is built into the class schedule. The classroom staff, with the assistance of the Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist, may provide different foods and drinks to encourage finger feeding, use of fork and spoon, and drinking from a cup along with language and vocabulary development.
- Ask about our “Snack Club.” Parents can participate in the donation of healthy snacks for the classroom.
Staff-parent conferences will be held at least twice a year. Conferences will be scheduled at the convenience of the parent whenever possible. (All due process procedures outlined in Operating Standards for Ohio Educational Agencies Serving Children with Disabilities shall be followed. Additional conferences may be scheduled as needed by either the parent or the teacher).
The Oakwood Preschool Program provides many ways for the parents to be part of our program ranging from classroom observations, assistance and participation on field trips, invitations to special parent topics presented periodically throughout the year, and invitations to special events.
Our staff is always available to discuss your child’s progress with parents. Teachers are available before and after class to discuss any concerns parents may have regarding their child. The Preschool Supervisor is also available to insure that your child receives a quality education.
Activities that provide additional opportunities for parent involvement include: weekly message, progress updates (every 90 days), special event programs and parent meetings.
Parents of a child enrolled in the program shall be permitted unlimited access to the school during the hours of operation to contact his/her child, evaluate the care provided by the program, the premises or for other purposes approved by the Supervisor, in accordance with Smith School procedures.
Directory Information
Each year the Superintendent shall provide public notice to student and their parents of the District’s intent to make available, upon request, certain information known as “directory information.” The Board designates as student “directory information”: a student’s name; address; telephone number; date and place of birth; photograph; major field of study; telephone numbers (only for inclusion in PTO directories) or email addresses. Parents are asked to sign a statement authorizing the inclusion of their information on the roster and directory.
Directory information shall not be provided to any person or organization for profit-making purposes.
Parents and adult students may refuse to allow the District to disclose any or all such “directory information” upon written notification to the principal. The Board may disclose “directory information” regarding former students without student or parental consent.
Communication with Families
Communication between home and school is an essential part of the preschool program. You are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher, supervisor or any specialist if you have questions, concerns, or compliments about your child’s progress in school. There are a number of ways for parents to receive information about their child’s progress and school.
Open House is a time set aside at the beginning of the year for parents to visit their child’s school and meet with teachers. Curriculum, classroom policies, and general expectations are explained by each teacher. This is not a time for individual parent/teacher conferences.
Progress Reports are issued following each 90-day period. These reports record progress and effort in each area of the curriculum and IEP goals.
Parent/Teacher Conferences provide opportunities for teachers to share information with parents about their child’s progress in school. The parent/teacher conference is an important means of reporting to parents and guardians. These conferences are scheduled in the fall and spring of the year. Additional conferences may be held at the request of the parent or teacher anytime during the year.
Rosters are prepared annually and includes the names and phone numbers of the students in the class. It is distributed to parents who request it. Parents are asked to sign a statement indicating their desire to be included on the roster. Rosters are not furnished to anyone except a parent.
Email/Telephone contact is encouraged. All teachers have classroom telephones. Messages can be left during the day. Parents are encouraged to utilize email as well.
Newsletters from the teacher are sent home with students on a regular basis to provide timely information about the school, classroom and district activities.
Parents' Rights
You may deny permission for any proposed evaluation activities.
You may review and inspect all records upon which educational decisions are made, to obtain a copy of such records at actual cost of copying, and to request amendments to be made to the data.
- You may request from Oakwood City Schools an independent evaluation at no cost (arranged through the Board) if you disagree with their evaluation. This evaluation will be provided using the schools criteria regarding location of the evaluation and qualifications of the examiner.
- You may present complaints with respect to the evaluation or educational placement of your child, or the provision of special education, to the superintendent.
- You have the right to be fully informed, in written and oral form, of all proposed evaluations, placement and periodic review, activities and decisions in the native language of your home.
- You may obtain a description of the kinds and number of facilities, program options, services and personnel provided special needs children by the school district or other educational agencies.
- You may have a conference (or communicate in other ways) with any person participating in educational decisions during the evaluation, placement and/or periodic review process.
Special Notation
A planning conference with parents/legal guardians and appropriate others will be scheduled to discuss findings and potential recommendations, prior to any change of the child’s education status.
You have the right to the following due process procedures to resolve conflicts:
- A conference (or communicate in other ways) with any person participating in educational decisions during the evaluation, placement and/or periodic review process.
- Presenting complaints to your school district’s superintendent with respect to the child’s evaluation, educational placement or special education.
- Impartial hearing, conducted by an impartial hearing officer, which includes the right to:
A. Be accompanied and advised by counsel and by individuals with special knowledge of, or training in, the problems of special needs children.
B. Present evidence and confront, cross-examine and compel the attendance of witnesses.
C. A written or electronic verbatim record of such hearing.
D. Written findings of facts and decisions.
An impartial hearing is initiated by written request to the Superintendent of the Oakwood City Schools.
All the rights of the parents shall pass to the child upon reaching the age of majority except in the cases where the child is legally determined under State statute to be incompetent.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Acts (FERPA)
Any parent or student who believes that the School District has failed to comply with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) or the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), may file a complaint directly with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-5920.
Educational Records
Because personal privacy is important, each year the Oakwood Schools maintain and publish policies that outline district procedures for the collection and use of student cumulative records. Federal law also governs these policies. Please call the school principal if you have any questions.
Definition: “Educational Records” include any records which contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by Oakwood City Schools or by a person acting for the Oakwood City Schools. However, “educational records” do not include: 1) records which are maintained by school personnel and which are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a substitute, or 2) records maintained in the normal course of business which relate exclusively to the student as an employee of Oakwood City Schools.
Access to Student Records
1. Student records shall be available only to students and their parents, designated school officials, and designated school personnel, who have a legitimate educational interest in the information, or to other individuals or organizations as permitted by law. An individual will have a “legitimate educational purpose” if the record is necessary in order for the school official/employee to perform an administrative, supervisory, or instructional task or to perform a service or benefit for the student or the student’s family.
2. Parents and students may meet with a professional staff member to review the contents of the records. Requests for a records review conference must be in writing and will be scheduled within 45 days.
Release of Student Records
1. Student records may be released to officials of other schools or school systems in which the student intends to enroll, without written permission, upon condition that a reasonable attempt is made to notify the student’s parents of the transfer, of their right to receive a copy of the record if desired, and of their right to have a hearing to challenge the content of the record.
2. No information may be furnished in any form to any other persons than listed above unless in compliance with a judicial court order or subpoena or by written parental consent specifying records to be released, the reasons for such release, and to whom. In such cases, parents and students have the right to receive a copy if desired.
3. All persons, agencies, or organizations desiring access to records shall be required to sign a written form specifically indicating the legitimate educational or other interest each has in seeking information. This form shall be kept permanently with the file of the student.
4. Both parents shall have equal access to student records unless stipulated otherwise by court order or law. In the case of adult students, parents may be allowed access to the records without the student’s consent, provided the student is considered a dependent under Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Right to Challenge
1. Parents and students have the right to inspect all school records kept on the individual student and have the right to an explanation and interpretation of the records.
2. Parents and students have the right to a hearing to challenge the contents of cumulative records. A request to amend information in a record may be made if the information is deemed to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights.
3. If, as a result of the hearing, the school district decides the challenged information is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s rights, the district shall amend the record and inform the parent and/or student in writing.
4. If, as a result of the hearing, the school district does not agree to an amendment of the records, parents and/or student shall have the right to place in the student’s records a statement commenting upon the challenged information and/or setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the district’s decision.
Student Records/Confidentiality of Records
Parents may review the academic and official records of their children. These records have both non-classified and classified information included therein. The directory data (part of the non-classified information) includes the student’s name, parent’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of member of athletic teams, attendance records, and most recent school attended. Classified information includes test results, grades, evaluations, etc. The school administrative assistants are responsible for the maintenance of academic records. The remaining non-classified data and all classified data remains confidential except to the student, the parent, or the staff member who has a responsibility for the educational program of that student. For the classified contents of a record to be released, the parent must sign a waiver. In the examination of records, any materials determined to be inaccurate, misleading or inappropriate shall be corrected, deleted, or a written explanation inserted by the parent. Records are first challenged to the person responsible for their maintenance, then to the principal, and then to the Superintendent.
Child Abuse
School employees are required by law to report any suspected evidence of child abuse or neglect to the Oakwood Safety Department and Montgomery County Children Services. The school will also cooperate with the local law enforcement officials. Teachers have regular inservice training in child abuse.
Fire Alarms: At the sound of the fire alarm, students are to leave the building by following directions of the staff. Students must leave quietly and stay in their own group even when outside the building. Everyone will return at the appropriate signal. Fire drills are held monthly.
Tornado Drills: At the sound of the tornado alarm, students are to go to the designated area of the building as directed by the staff. Teachers will stay with their own group of students until the “ALL CLEAR” signal is given. Drills will be held in March, April, and June.
In the event of a Tornado Warning issued by the National Weather Service in effect at dismissal times, students will be held in the building until the warning expires unless released to the parents.
Lock Down Drills and Rapid Dismissals: Are conducted twice a year.
Arrival/Departure from School
Students may enter the building at 8:45 a.m.(for morning session) and 12:15 p.m. (for afternoon session) Students are encouraged to arrive on the school grounds no earlier than 8:30 a.m. (for morning session) and 12:00 p.m. (for afternoon session) Teachers will meet students at the door at 8:45 for morning sessions and 12:15 for afternoon sessions.
Departure – Meet students at the front of the building at 11:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Teachers will walk the students to the door where they will meet their parents.
Children will be released only to those designated by the parent or guardian. Identification will be required.
Parking and Dropping Off/Picking Up Students
The areas around Smith School are extremely congested particularly at the beginning and ending of the school sessions. Please park in front of Smith on Shafor Blvd. and turn on your flashers and walk your child to the school entrance.
- Refrain from parking in the areas marked with yellow curbs, with “No Parking” signs, by traffic safety cones and in the van pickup area.
- Refrain from parking, turning around, or dropping off students in private drives or alleys.
- Oakwood Safety Department may be called for enforcement of guidelines.
Field Trips
Parents will be asked to sign a “Field Trip Permission Form” for every field trip taken by the class. Teachers will make every attempt to make sure this form is sent home at least one week prior to the field trip. Without written permission, students will not be permitted to leave school. There may be a charge for field trip activities and for certain events the school must pay in advance. Parents will transport their child using the booster seat guidelines. If your child cannot attend on the day of the trip, the school cannot refund the fee. A first aid kit will accompany the class. Arrangements will be made for students whose parents do not grant permission to attend.
Visitors to the Building
It is required by law all visitors to our school sign-in at the office before proceeding to any other location in the building. It is important for us to know who is in the building at all times. Unfortunately, we are not able to extend an invitation to other children to spend the day attending classes with our students.
(Due to COVID-19, volunteers do not apply to the fall 2020 semester.) Smith uses many volunteers each week. There are opportunities to assist in the school library, the cafeteria, and other special times during the school year. The use of volunteers is coordinated through the PTO. A volunteer training session is required. Volunteers who work regularly with students, and those who work with students in an unsupervised area will be required to provide fingerprints. This can be done at the board office at no cost to volunteers.
If you have an interest in volunteering, please call the office or send a note. We will put you in contact with the appropriate person. The building newsletter will also act as a means of seeking volunteers for special projects.
Outdoor play is scheduled regularly – weather permitting. All children are expected to participate unless he/she has written instructions from a physician restricting outdoor play.
Notice of Discrimination
The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, military status, ancestry, or age in its program, activities or employment.
Further, it is the policy of this District to provide an equal opportunity for all students, regardless of race, color, creed, age, disability, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, place of residence within the boundaries of the District, or social or economic background, to learn through the curriculum offered in this District. Oakwood Schools’ Civil Rights Compliance Officer is the Director of Educational Services, (937) 297-7802.
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying behavior by any student/school personnel or other adult in the Oakwood City School District is strictly prohibited. Such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying means:
A. any intentional written, verbal, electronic, or physical act that a student or group of students exhibits toward another particular student(s) more than once and the behavior both causes mental or physical harm to the other student(s) and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student(s); or
B. violence within a dating relationship
Such behaviors are prohibited on school grounds, while enroute to or from school, at any school-sponsored activity, or on school provided transportation. Additionally, O.R.C. 3313.661 and O.R.C. 3313.666 permits districts to regulate conduct that occurs off school grounds as long as (1) there is a logical connection between the off-campus conduct and the District’s need to maintain a safe educational environment, or (2) the conduct is directed at school property or personnel.
Complaint Procedure
The School District will take action against anyone who harasses, intimidates, or bullies another. Any parent, student, staff, or community member may report suspected harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Verbal reports made to any staff member will be forwarded to the supervising administrator and recorded. Written reports will be submitted to the supervising administrator and investigated. Building administrators and the Superintendent are responsible for conducting investigations. The investigator(s) shall be a neutral party having had no involvement in the complaint presented. Additional information can be found on the District web site at
Family Home Services
What is Family Home Services?
The local funded Family Home Services Program is available through Montgomery Board of Developmental Disabilities Services to help provide support services to families caring for a family member with developmental disabilities living at home.
Who can receive Family Home Services?
Families residing in Montgomery County who have family members (children or adults) with a developmental disability living at home on a full time basis may be eligible for Family Home Services. Families may contact the Intake and Eligibility Department as indicated below for Eligibility Information.
Age 0-2 258-1446 PACE
Age 3-5 918-2160 Pre-School Division
Age 6-Graduation 457-2766 Children’s Division
Age 22 and up 457-2811 Adult Intake
What services are funded through the Family Home Services Program?
- Respite care by trained providers or persons chosen by the family
- Adaptive equipment, purchase and/or lease
- Home modifications (ramps, bath rails, stair lift, etc.
- Special diets (pediasure, isomil, ensure, polycose, etc.)
- Counseling, training, education
- Other services individualized to each family’s needs such as sign language books, wheelchair batteries, communication devices, therapy, etc.)
Families will need to contact their assigned Service and Support Administrator or Family Consultant to request the appropriate forms to access funding for the above services or forms can be printed off the website
How much will Family Home Services cost my family?
There is no cost. The taxable income for the prior year of the person (parent, guardian, primary caregiver) with whom the individual resides, determines the reimbursement to the family. Check your most recent Federal Income Tax Return for the amount of your Taxable Income. If the eligible individual residing with the family is age twenty-three (23) or older, the taxable income is reported on the eligible individual.
Taxable Income Co-payment
$0 to $35,000 0%
$35,001 to $50,000 10%
$50,001 to $65,000 30%
$65,001 to $90,000 50%
$90,001 to $100,000 75%
$100,001 and over 100% Not Eligible to Receive Funding
What determines whether requests are funded?
The appropriate request form must be submitted for approval and approved before Family Home Services funding can begin. Any items purchased or services received prior to enrollment in the Family Home Services Program will not be paid by the Family Home Services. Approval will be based on the following:
- Family has been determined eligible for services
- County Board has funds available and the family has funds available within allocation
- Items or services are available
- The item or services cannot be funded by other sources
- Request is consistent with county board’s plan and Family Home Services philosophy
Civil Rights Compliance Officer
EMAD Coordinator
Liaison for Homeless Children
Allyson Couch, Director of Educational Services
Oakwood City School District
20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
(937) 297-7802
OSHA Safety Director
Toxic Hazard Preparedness Officer
Frank Eaton Operations Coordinator
Oakwood City School District
20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
(937) 297-5332
Prevailing Wage Coordinator
Public Records Designee
Laura Sauber, Treasurer
Oakwood City School District
20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
(937) 297-5332
Anti-Harassment Complaint Coordinator
Dr. Neil Gupta, Superintendent
Oakwood City School District
20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
(937) 297-5332
Anti-Harassment Complaint Investigator
Coordinator of Records:
Oakwood High School: Paul Waller, Principal
1200 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 297-5325
Oakwood Junior High School: Tim Badenhop, Principal
1200 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 297-5328
Harman School: Sarah Patterson, Principal
735 Harman Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 297-5338
Edwin D. Smith Elementary School: Cassie Schoch, Principal
1701 Shafor Boulevard, Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 297-5335
Lange School: Suzanne Batten, Principal
219 W. Dorothy Lane, Dayton, OH 45429
(937) 299-8730
The Division of Early Childhood Education may be contacted to report any suspected violations of the Rules of Preschool Programs, Chapter 3301.37. Call the Ombudsman Office at (937) 223-4613.
Our educational staff works extremely hard to ensure our Preschool Program is operating in accordance with the Preschool rules under the Ohio Administrative Code. Please feel free to review the most recent written compliance report posted next to the Preschool Program License in all our classrooms.
NOTE: This preschool handbook is based in significant part on policies adopted by the Board of Education. Policies are periodically updated in response to changes in the law and other circumstances.
Awareness Statement
I have reviewed the Preschool Handbook, including general information, rules and regulations. I have also reviewed a copy of the Ohio Early Learning Content Standards. I realize I am responsible for reading and following its contents. Parents are required to inform the school of any changes in residency, custody, home/work phone numbers and emergency contact information. Completion of the attached form is required.